Dear Fellow Patriots

Help support us so we can reach others to grow our ranks.


Dear Patriot,

As a public service and our civic duty, we want to continue to the good work.

Each election cycle or 2, the left-wing media and radical, far-left manages to wrestle back control and reverse all of the work the previous administration worked to get in place.

With the tools and resources we will be able to organize against the lawless left.

If everyone reading today donated less than the price of a gram of Hunter’s coke, we would quickly meet our fundraising goal for the entire campaign. This will cover our operational costs which includes: this website (hosting / developer), road trip and media equipment.

If this is important to you, please take one minute to show your support. If you cannot support us, please consider sharing this message and our website with friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you for your generosity,

The 47 Cleanup Crew

Democrats’ lawlessness knows no bounds.

Your valued support will help us achieve our goals.

We ask you to reflect on the number of times they attacked our freedom and values. This administration and our Democracy will be under constant threat.

Whether it’s $1 or $50, any contribution helps. What matters is that you’re choosing to stand up for freedom.

If just 1% of the 77 million MAGA voters who took a stand gave $1, we’d easily hit our goal in January. Kindly donate today!

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